Plantexpand makes an impact on their carbon footprint through sustainable waste management partnership.


The industry-leading vehicle and plant maintenance business, Plantexpand, has reduced their carbon footprint and contributed to a sustainable circular economy through their new waste management solution. Slicker Recycling, the UK’s foremost waste oil and workshop waste specialist, has partnered with the environmentally-focused business, offering a sustainable waste management solution for all waste requirements.

Plantexpand is a leading provider of comprehensive service and repair packages that leverage specialised technology to enhance the efficiency of customers' vehicle and plant assets. Their dynamic service delivery is designed to adapt to the evolving needs of clients, while consistently upholding high standards of service and compliance.

With cutting-edge innovations, such as their Pre-Use App and Plantexpand's Asset Management System (PAMS), they can accurately locate, track, and maximise the uptime of each customer's assets, ensuring best-in-class servicing, diagnostics, and first-time fix rates.

Sustainability is at the heart of Plantexpand's decision-making processes. That's why they have partnered with Slicker Recycling to implement key innovative strategies that will enhance their environmental performance.

At Plantexpand’s HQ in Wickford and across their satellite locations situated around the UK, Slicker Recycling will provide a comprehensive package for all waste streams including, waste oil, workshop waste, and dry waste. Thanks to their commitment to the waste hierarchy, Slicker Recycling, will help to reduce, re-use, recycle and recover Plantexpand’s waste, helping keep disposal rates to an absolute minimum.

The greatest environmental benefits, however, are achieved through Slicker Recycling’s innovative approach to waste oil. Through Slicker, the used oil Plantexpand generates is sent to a state-of-the-art re-refinery where it is processed back into a high-quality base oil. This product is then used by the lubricant industry as the main component of brand-new lubricating oils.

The waste-oil-to-base-oil solution Slicker adopts is unique within the UK. Many other providers process the used oil they collect, into a “Processed Fuel Oil” which is burnt in the marine and energy markets. Not only does this process consume a valuable finite resource, but it also releases significant volumes of carbon dioxide, contributing the climate crisis. Slicker and Plantexpand’s method, however, extends the life cycle of the used oil giving it a new life to used again and again.

Not only this, but as found in a recent independent life cycle analysis, the process of making base oil from used oil is significantly more carbon efficient compared to making processed fuel oil. For every 1,000 litre Slicker Recycling processes into base oil on behalf of Plantexpand, they could reduce their carbon 185kg compared to making processed fuel oil - a 37% saving!

David Harris, CEO at Plantexpand has commented:
At Plantexpand, we believe that sustainability is not merely an obligation; it is a powerful opportunity for innovation and growth. By embedding sustainable practices into our business model, we aspire to lead by example, inspiring others similar providers to adopt similar approaches.

Our commitment to sustainability enriches our operations and strengthens our position as a forward-thinking leader in our field, paving the way for a more sustainable future for all.

In Slicker Recycling we have found a waste management partner who will support us to achieve this goals and help to make a real difference in the industry.

Sean Thorpe, National Sales Manager at Slicker Recycling says
“It is always a pleasure to work with a customer that is as committed to cutting carbon as we are. Throughout our partnership, we will work closely with Plantexpand to find new ways to reduce their waste volume, cut their carbon, and contribute to the circular economy.”

To find out how you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to the sustainable circular economy through response waste management, contact Slicker Recycling on 0330 159 8325 or email

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